The educational level in Finland is very high. Compared to other countries inEurope, Finlnad is ranked first for eduction. The level of basic education stands out as the best.

The law in Finland establece that education is free and obligatory for all children between the ages of 7 and 16 years. This includes text books, school material and food.

This country dedicated a lot of money for education, more than 5.3% that is the normal porcentage.

Each city is responsible of the carriage and good education for childen of their city.

High school is destinated for ages of 16 to 19 years. Their curriculum includes obligatory studies, specializated and aplicated. If a teen don’t want to continue bachelor’s degree can choose the basic formation which has many alternatives.

For higher education in Finland there are professional universities and schools. Everyone can access to university’ studies because enrollment is free.

This table shows the level of science, lecture and maths of each countries.

Here are some characteristic of success Finland education:

  • Equal opportunities for all children regardless (sin tener en cuenta) of social position or origin.
  • Protection of the languaje of each immigrant.
  • Free education.
  • Free meals and transportation.
  • Availability (disponibilidad) of school material.
  • Creating a pleasant place to study.
Why the educative sistem in Finland is the best of the world?
While in Spain 30% of the students do not finish the obligatory education in Finland this percentage not reach 1%.
The mainly raison is because if you want to be a teacher you need a grade point average (nota media) of  9  and really want it. They are very small who pass and that is because teacher profession is a highly valued profession.
Here I leave some videos about Finland Education, they are in Spanish.
Data taken from: